Sunday, March 9, 2014

Tribute by Carolien

It took me a long time to figure out what I wanted to say today.
I was confused, because I wasn't feeling as sad as I thought I should.
When granny passed away I felt as if she missed out on important moments in my life.
She would never meet Ruben, my husband, she would never see me in my wedding dress, she would never get to meet little Daniël Philip. But grandad did.
He was there to share all these moments with me. So I mostly feel grateful.

I remember him pampering me when I was pregnant. "He never did that for me when I was pregnant", my mum said.
For my birthday, in October, he sent me a Christmas card. I need to get rid of the lot, he wrote.
But when Daniël was born he bought a card, Well, he probably sent someone to buy a card, and wrote down that he couldn't wait to tickle him and make him giggle.
When we came to visit grandad with Daniël, then 3 months old, he said: he doesn't do much does he?
Luckily I got to take Daniël to see him for a second time. By this time Daniël was so active that we sometimes had to leave the room to give grandad some peace.

Although he got older and weaker, he never stopped living or lost his cheeky humour.

So I'm going to remember that man. The man that was full of life, had great sense of humour and loved having family and friends around.

Grandad loved life! And I'm sure he would want us to do the same!

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